Fabulous Blogs

Cupcakes and Cashmere- a consummate professional, a stylish woman with inspiring recipes, photography and a life that looks delightful.

A Fluffy Blog- a Belgian with an amazingly whimsical sense of style. She loves the feminine, killer prints and poses in front of a pink bookshelf with great books. She's daring and doesn't seem to take clothes too seriously.

In Honour of Design- Produces a vivid looking blog with colourful design inspiration. You also get a snapshot of a very family-oriented, sincere woman. She's my biggest supporter, who I'm not actually related to.

Joy the Baker- a funny and beautiful food blog with recipes I could dream of. Joy invites you to join her life and has a personable, relaxed writing style. California cool, I think.

http://www.picklemethis.com/- a literary blog by a writer with wit. I don't have children but am almost looking forward to it, so I can read her children's book reviews.

Take Courage- this girl is excellent for photographing pretty and wearable outfits very regularly. She writes well, takes excellent photographs and expertly documents the glories of the London seasons.

Where is Harriet?- a very sweet English rose with a great sense of colour and outfits that aren't just great for hipster 16 year olds.

Wishwishwish- The author, Carrie, has amazing style and fashion photography that is unmatched. She's sophisticated and perfect looking. I'm hoping I'll see her work in magazines in a couple years time.

Yours Truly, x- A flaming little red haired girl who lives and photographs the joys of Brighton. She likes vintage fashion and has huge smiles in virtually every one of her photographs.